Polski Rejestr Dzieł Sztuki

About Polish Register of Fine Arts (prds.pl)

Prds.pl has been prepared as a useful tool for collectors, antique dealers and museum workers, giving them the possibility of easy confirmation of authenticity of fine art items. Thus, web side prds.pl presents photographs and short descriptions of paintings, graphics, and other collectibles, previously registered. Each item is characterised by author name, title, description of signature, size and source of origin as a private collection (kolekcja prywatna), state collection (kolekcja państwowa) or on sale (w sprzedaży). Each one can simply identify searched item by its comparison with data presented on web side.

Prds.pl does not present commercial offer but only basic information about fine arts items, which are included in collections. The administrator of this web side does not respond for any questions about sale or purchasing of any item of art.

Prds.pl presents fine art objects from Polish collections and is addressed to citizens of Poland, however if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask us. Just send e-mail to the address: prds@prds.pl. You can also use a dictionary, translating most common Polish names used to describe fine art items into English, which was prepared especially for you.

Polski Rejestr Dzieł Sztuki
90-266 Łódź ul. Wschodnia 69
tel./fax. (0-42)-630-4779

email: prds@prds.pl